This pump station is a foul water facility located in the basement. The well had alarmed over the previous weekend in a highly contaminated state with massive amounts of accumulated fat which had solidified onto the control floats and thus made them too heavy to tip.
The floats were cleaned of fat and returned to the well. Standard checks for fully auto operation were carried out together with load checks’ all parameters and operations found to be normal. The fat accumulation in this well was a direct consequence of the effluent containing a large volume of waste from a restaurant located in the building. The cooking style relies greatly on a product that is essentially clarified butter and the residues from the cooking utensils, plates etc. will find their way into the waste stream regardless of any recycling mechanisms that the restaurant uses for waste oil.
The well required jet washed and then emptying by vacuum tanker. This operation would then need to be carried out at a regular frequency to keep the condition of the well in an acceptable condition.