AGM ensure London Hospital keeps warm

AGM/Aquatech Pressmain ensure patients and staff at London Hospital keep warm this winter.

As everyone is aware our remarkable NHS was 70 last year, AGM/Aquatech Pressmain have been privileged to supply their equipment to our hospitals for 45 of those years. Recently replacing a 14 year old Aquatech 2ET45-C1-E pressurisation unit with it’s modern equivalent the Aquatech Pressmain AP3 pressurisation unit.

The pressurisation unit is installed on the heating services and automatically maintains the correct pressure for the system. As illustrated by the age of the equipment before replacement, Aquatech Pressmain design and build high quality reliable products. Installed, serviced and maintained by AGM Services.

The Facilities Management have the peace of mind of a reliable pressurisation unit and 24/7 call out of AGM Service Engineers should they need them.

Should you require this level of quality and reliability please contact our Sales or Projects Departments on 01206 215100.